Monday, July 23, 2007

Books That Are Making Me Go NUTS WIth Impacience

When the HECK is Mississippi Jack gonna be published??? The website ( says September, but absolutely NO WHERE can I find a date. And the last book was a total cliffhanger, too. Dang. I'm so impatient, I could just scream. Why do people write books if all they're gonna do is make you go crazy for the next one??? I know, I know. Not fair. But I deserve a little tolerance for immatureness, after all, I'd spent months going nuts for In the Belly of the Bloodhound. Another book that's driving me crazy is Eclipse, by Stephanie Meyer. The latest book in the series of dark vampire romance in due out on August 7th, and I have a massive countdown going on my desktop...14 days, 22 hours, 56 minutes....... *sigh.* And, of course, Libba Bray's The Sweet Far Thing, which was supposedly going to be published way back in May. Well, I guess 7 months don't make much of a difference to you, huh? Well it does to me!! You're killing me here, women! (And man, LA Meyer, of "Bloody Jack" fame, is a guy.)

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