Monday, July 23, 2007

Political Parties

Screw democrats. Forget the Republicans too, for that matter. Honestly, why can't people just shut their mouths and listen to reason for once? Even kids at school follow their parents (usually liberal) views, and it's driving me NUTS!
The War in Iraq- Part of the Democrats' problem is this: amidst all of the backstabbing a finger-pointing, they haven't come up with a fail-proof problem themselves for the War on Terror. Yeah, the Bush Administration screwed up, but, really, could John Kerry have done any better? I mean, what were we supposed to do, sit back and let Al-Qaeda bomb the Capitol too? Let Saddam Hussein murder countless other Iraqis? The fact is here, people, the war is coming to a bloody standstill. We're not winning, it's hard to tell if we're losing. Cindy Sheehan isn't helping, what with all the attention grabbing and whining. No one exactly knows what to do, so cut the crap and work together, dang it.
Abortion- This is, in my opinion, one of the most important political issues. Essentially, it's murder. Unless the baby's going to be severly disabled and unale to function normaly in life, abortion is wrong. Circumstances are different if the woman was raped or her life is in danger. Otherwise it's just.... There are consequences for every action, and people should be more responsible. Who are we to say whether the baby has feelings or not? 40 years ago, this would be impossible. Why should it happen now?

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