Thursday, November 1, 2007

Red Sox

So the Red Sox have won their 2nd World Championship in four years. I'm not surprised! The Sox have some of the best pitchers in the entire league- Beckett, Schilling, Dice-K, and even Lester, who made a huge splash. Big Papi, Senor Octubre, Mr. October, the biggest clutch hitter my dad says he's ever seen, really came through, and Manny had an amazing postseason. Lowell deserved the MVP through and through. Most solid throughout the regular season, and had phenomenal hitting (.400!!!) and defense at third base. Youuuuuuuuuuuk. The crowd chanted. Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk. And Youuuuuuuuuk came through. Even Lugo had a great average. The little guy with the biggest heart had an amazing series, especially for a rookie. Go Pedroia! And my heart goes out to Kielty, with the off-the-bench-game-winning-home-run. I saved my favorite payer for last- Ellsbury. He got the Sox to the Series, practically, and he's gonna be a Hall-of-Famer someday. He had the highest average on the entire team- . 438.

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